Saturday, October 06, 2018

New Adventure

It has been a long time since I've written in this blog. The reason is, I have been on a new challenge! I've written my first book, a Bible study.

Many times when I dig in the Bible, God does some talking to me. He speaks to my heart. I am ready to share this study with you. It's called, "Give Him 40". It's a study about incidents where God took people through a 40 day experience.

I hope you enjoy it. I loved writing it and hope to do more.

Can I encourage you to take a step toward your dream today? Don't just talk about it. Get an accountability team and have them hold you to what you say you will do.

I am so thankful mine did.

God be glorified.

Give Him 40: A 40 day Bible study
In the Bible, the number 40 generally symbolizes a period of testing. I am asking you to give God 40 days of your life. It’s a little over a month of study. But I promise you, if you put your heart into it, you will not regret that time.